GSoC Weekly Report 1

As part of the comminity bonding period (and not only) I'll be posting weekly status reports in my GSoC project. This way interested people will be in touch with project. So, let's try to start :)

This week I was doing:

  • created repository with my chapters plugin: git:// libcmml is required in order to use chapters plugin, you can retrieve it here: Please, use 0.9.4 version from trunk. You can find a test cmml file (test.cmml) in chapters plugin directory;

  • created my first empty Totem plugin based on sidebar-test plugin. I'm not great at GObject, so it was a good practice for me, and now I'm understanding it better. I think practice is a main way to understand complicated things;

  • learned Totem build system a bit :)

  • discussed with Bastien the way I'll be working on project in near time. So, my first target is to make chapters plugin capable to read cmml file when video file is opened, and printf() chapters' titles and descriptions;

  • first lines of experimental code: to feel Totem plugin capabilities, to feel libcmml, to feel GLib better. Thanks Bastien for pointing me on my dirty code lines. Here is a first small result:

    To make it possible just rename the test cmml file like your video file named (e.g. test-case.cmml for test-case.ogv) and open video in Totem;

  • writing this blog post :)

I have to say, that it's a great to participate in GNOME community. However I'm not familiar with GStreamer folks yet, but I'll try to do it soon, as I already have some questions :)

As for future plans, I'll try to write some GTK code (I was not using GTK much before, so it will be a good practice for me again) to make list of chapters visible at least. This week was rather exciting and I'm looking for the next one ;)

2 коммент.:

mkevac комментирует...

Так у тебя был какой-то опыт в программировании под GTK, под Totem или что-то связанное с видео?

Или просто ниоткуда решил этим заняться?

asaprykin комментирует...

Особого опыта с GTK не было - читал документацию по GTK и GLib, делал в универе лабы, смотрел, как что-то сделано в других проектах. Писал как-то пару патчей на pidgin, file-roller, lrzip. Есть хороший опыт использования Qt. Давно хотел заняться чем-то на GTK/GLib, вот и решил этим летом что-то полезное сделать. Totem я последние два релиза перевожу на русский, поэтому этот проект как-то поближе :) С видео тоже копался немного - парсил ogg skeleton, вставлял туда свои потоки. Но это навряд ли пригодится тут.

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